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The Steps of Professional Teeth Whitening

teeth whitening

If you’ve been studying teeth whitening, you’d know by now that professional teeth whitening is much easier and more reliable than the whitening kits you buy over the counter. Do you wonder how that disparity would be achieved? It is the same method that goes behind every method of whitening— a peroxide bleaching agent that eliminates stains from the teeth.

So what is a dentist doing that makes his treatment stand out from the items you buy from the store? To explain why, here are the steps implicated in teeth whitening in the profession:

Recording the shade of your teeth

When you’re sitting on the chair for a professional teeth whitening operation, the first thing a dentist would do is record the color of your natural teeth and he’d ask you what shade you like. Based on these results, the dentist gets an idea of how to go about the whitening procedure and the concentration of the whitening solution as well.

Drying your mouth

The whitening process begins with mouth drying. You will get retractors to keep your tongue and lips away from your teeth. That is because the formula for whitening works best on a dry surface. The dentist would prepare the solution for whitening, and put it on the teeth. Note that only the teeth’s frontal surface will be covered, as the back surface is not visible anyway.

Letting your teeth absorb the solution

There is a certain amount of time you’d have to spend on the dentist’s chair until your teeth are whitened. This is for the purpose of allowing enough time for the solvent to enter the teeth through the pores and fight off the stains from inside. The dentist will turn on the television during this period, or offer you something to stay engaged.

Rinsing your mouth

The last step includes rinsing your mouth after the dentist thinks the solvent has had enough time on your teeth. Your mouth will be thoroughly rinsed from inside your mouth to get rid of the remaining solution. Many dentists also choose, after whitening, to provide a fluoride solution to improve the enamel.

Sensitivity is very common right after whitening, and is not a problem. Basically these are the 4 steps involved in the whitening of professional teeth. Are you considering getting yourself a professional teeth whitener? Get the best teeth whitening dentist near you in Irving TX.