Our dental office in Irving, TX, can help patients maintain their oral health. It is important to us that our adult and younger patients have the ability to enjoy life to the fullest. Having a full set of healthy teeth and gums is necessary to make that possible. Without having healthy teeth, it is difficult for you to enjoy all of your favorite foods. In fact, things like gum disease can lead to tooth loss. This makes it critical to receive ongoing dental care.
We recommend that patients visit our office before heading out for an annual family vacation. If you, like most Americans, are planning on hitting the road this summer, it is wise for you to schedule dental appointments for everyone in the family first. This way, we can ensure that you are healthy and unlikely to experience a dental emergency.
What to Expect from a Visit to Our Dentist Office
When you bring your family to our dentist office, we will begin by cleaning the teeth. Even if someone brushes twice a day, there will be areas in the mouth that are difficult to reach and hard to clean at home. This creates a buildup of plaque and tartar on the teeth/gums that can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. By removing the plaque and tartar, we will help your teeth and your overall mouth to become healthier.
This portion of the treatment is fairly quick and can be completed in around 30 minutes. After, we will thoroughly examine your teeth and determine if you are showing any early signs of decay. We will identify soft spots that we can treat immediately before they lead to full-blown decay and create a cavity.
This process allows us to treat the teeth before a toothache can ever occur. What this means for you is that it prevents you from experiencing any unnecessary dental discomfort. We will also look to see if there is any other damage in the mouth. For example, if there is a cracked or chipped tooth, we will want to restore it before you head out on vacation.
Treatment Solutions from Our Dental Office
If we notice any signs of tooth decay or infections, we will work to correct them. Very often, this is giving you a cavity treatment. However, if you have a more serious infection, we may recommend that you have a root canal. In any case, we will make the recommendation that we feel is best suited to resolving the health challenges you are facing.
If we notice that you have a damaged tooth, there are several ways that we can restore it. What we recommend will be based on the significance of the damage. For example, if much of the tooth structure is missing, we may recommend that you have a dental crown placed around it. However, if the damage is less severe, we can often correct the tooth using dental veneers or dental bonding.
If your vacation is taking place quickly, we may recommend dental bonding since it only takes one visit to our office. This way, your teeth can be restored prior to heading out of town.
How can you really use this information?
Schedule an Appointment with Our Dentist Office
Our goal is to help you maintain healthy teeth and gums so that you can enjoy life without restriction. Visit us before you leave for vacation to ensure that you are in good oral health and unlikely to need an emergency dental appointment while on the road.
For more information or to schedule an appointment with Dental Artistry, request an appointment in our Irving dental office here by calling us at (469) 656-4025. Our dental office is located in Irving.
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